I met some problems when I used TD (0402.2017) on windows 7 to recalculate the Fig.7 in White(2014), with td-tcds62-6axmn-03.txt dataset.
The Bulk composition is:
1 SI(66.84)AL(16.44)FE(3.15)MG(3.24)MN(0.05)CA(0.55)NA(6.56)K(2.77)TI(0.43)H(100)O(?)O(0.001) *
P-T range is 500-650 C/2500-15000bar.But after one night (almost 12 hours) it's still running, and the screen shows full of "Warning: loops reached maximum"...... I don't know how long will it take for TD to finish this calculation or whether it will finally run into error.
The same problem appeared when I used TD (2018 version from Erik Duesterhoeft's website http://www.rocks.uni-kiel.de/theriakd/html/down_en.html) on windows 10, with tcds55_p07 dataset. The Bulk composition used is (of my own metapelite sample):
1 SI(63.18)AL(14.14)FE(6.68)F3(1.46)MG(3.8)CA(1.29)NA(1.71)K(3.55)H(60)O(?)O(0.001) *
I used different P-T ranges to calculate, but even when a small P-T range "600-610C/8000-8500bar" was choosen, TD still showed lots of "Warning: loops reached maximum"...... and finally went into error without finishing the calculation.So, is this a normal issue when TD uses (updated/new) datasets which include more elements? And why? And what should to avoid/solve it?
Thanks in advance for your help.